Cratere is a place where you can eat well with always new seasonal dishes.
A place where you can drink well.
A place where you can feel like home.


A place where you can eat good food, with a crafted menu always fulfilled with new dishes, as a result of the choice of selected raw materials and the ten-year relationship with our suppliers.
A place to drink well, choosing from our proposal of distillates, wines, vermouth and liqueurs.
Cratere is a place to love.

A place where you can eat good food, with a crafted menu always fulfilled with new dishes, as a result of the choice of selected raw materials and the ten-year relationship with our suppliers.
A place to drink well, choosing from our proposal of distillates, wines, vermouth and liqueurs.
Cratere is a place to love.

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.


It all comes from the fact that we like to party.
And we love that your party becomes ours, and vice versa.
If you are interested in celebrating in our location, call or write to us: we will find the most suitable solution together.